New Research Exposes Undercurrent of Anti-Semitism

[Times-UK] Ruth Gledhill - Criticism of Israel is sometimes used as a cover for anti-Semitism, according to new research published Thursday in the UK that tracks how Holocaust education and media coverage of Israel affect public perceptions of Jews. Despite extensive media coverage of the Israeli action in Gaza, much of it hostile, more than half of the 1,000 people polled saw Jews as victims of aggression throughout history, while almost nobody saw them solely as perpetrators. Dr. Stephen Smith, founder of the Holocaust Centre in Nottingham and chair of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, said: "In light of President Ahmadinejad's ignorant and indefensible comments at this week's UN anti-racism conference and often one-sided media coverage of Israel, it is reassuring that the public are able to maintain a sense of historical perspective of the Jewish people."

2009-04-24 06:00:00

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