The PLO Never Authorized Abbas to Conduct Proximity Talks

(Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs-Hebrew) Pinchas Inbari - The Arab daily Al-Quds al-Arabi reported that the PLO Executive Committee meeting on Saturday to approve the proximity talks with Israel never succeeded in achieving a minimum quorum. To present the appearance of a decision, Mahmoud Abbas added members of the Fatah Executive Committee to the meeting. Fatah official Nabil Abro confirmed that there was no quorum at the PLO meeting, and that its decision had no legal standing. Though no one asked him, Abbas decided to gain approval for the talks from the Arab League and the PLO institutions. The problem is with the PA's system of "pretending" with regard to decisions. At the moment of truth, when Abbas needs to bring any peace agreement with Israel to the PLO institutions, he won't have a majority and will have to pretend.

2010-05-11 08:04:25

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