Anti-Semitic Cartoons on Progressive Blogs

(Institute for Global Jewish Affairs) Adam Levick - Anti-Semitic cartoons seemingly tolerated on blogs such as Daily Kos, MyDD, Mondoweiss, and Indymedia are mainly expressions of anti-Israelism, a more recent category of anti-Semitism. Traditionally, the core motif of anti-Semitism is that Jews represent absolute evil. Nowadays, absolute evil is often expressed as Jews or Israelis being Nazis. Indeed, the cartoon motif most frequently appearing on these blogs is imagery equating Israel with Nazi Germany. Others reflect Jewish conspiracies, Zionists controlling the world, the blood libel, or show Jews as animals. Most of these blogs generally fail to remove such hateful cartoons, despite blog policies expressly prohibiting posts that contain "hateful" or "inflammatory" content.

2010-09-03 10:20:31

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