(Ynet News) Hanan Greenberg - Gaza Division Commander Brig.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi said Israel's operation in northern Gaza "is aimed at creating the understanding among terror organizations that firing Kassams is not worthwhile." "The number of terrorists killed in such an operation and the general atmosphere - electricity blackouts, damaging routes...is what may eventually bring about an understanding on their part that firing at Israel is not worthwhile; that this is not an equation that they should be part of." "Eventually a critical mass is created which leads the Palestinians to stop and rethink - this is what we are trying to create." "Already now we have identified a great surprise among the Palestinians in terms of our response - they are in shock. They did not expect a series of such long operations over time." "Gaza in the past ten months was also with an open pipe to Philadelphi [the Egyptian border], where numerous weapons have passed. The place is totally breached," Kochavi added.