The War on Terror is Not a Matter of Choice

(New York Post) Ralph Peters There is nothing we can do to satisfy religion-inspired terrorists. If we do not kill them, they will kill us. This is a war, not law enforcement. The struggle requires every tool in our national arsenal, from commandos to cops, from diplomacy to technology, from economic sanctions to preemptive war. The best defense is a strong offense. We cannot wait at home for terrorists to strike. Nothing will make us invulnerable. Our goal is to reduce our vulnerability to the lowest practical level - while balancing wisely between security and freedom. When the next attack occurs - as one eventually will - we must blame our enemies, not each other. Allies are valuable, but they are not indispensable. In the end, we must always do what is necessary, whether or not it is popular abroad. The Islamic world's problems are not our fault, and we are not to blame for terrorism. We cannot force other cultures to be successful, nor can we avoid their jealousy.

2004-03-26 00:00:00

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