(Jerusalem Post) Ben Hartman - Sderot resident Amir Ben-Abu, 38, said Sunday that a few hours earlier his wife had called him in shock. She was frozen in her car on the side of the road, moments after shrapnel from a Kassam rocket crashed into the car in front of her, moderately wounding the driver, Moshik Levy, and his wife. "Things like this ruin your life. Every time my son hears a 'Code Red' [rocket siren] it takes years off my life," he said. Sha'ar Hanegev resident Varda Goldstein described leaving her house for work in the morning when the Code Red alarm went off, and heading back seconds before a rocket hit outside her neighbor's home. "I heard the Code Red and I went back into the safe room and heard the sound of the rocket going overhead and then heard windows exploding and felt the shockwave," Goldstein said. "Tell me, what country in the world would be willing to live like this, to let their grandchildren live like this, that their children are born into a reality of war, 12-year-old children who never lived in peacetime?" she asked.
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