Shame on the CBC's Israel Coverage

(National Post-Canada) - Norman Spector Your reporters do not leave viewers to decide whether curfews are self-defense measures; they unambiguously refer to "collective punishment," the Palestinian term and a crime under the Geneva Conventions. You call Israel's targeted killings, though not the recent U.S. one in Yemen, "assassinations" - an honorific used by Palestinian spokespersons but not normally conferred by CBC on any mass murderers, other than, it appears, those who send bombers to blow up babies in Jerusalem pizzerias. Your correspondents refer to the "occupation" and to the West Bank and Gaza as "occupied Palestinian land," not as disputed territory. And they call Israeli communities "settlements" and their residents "settlers." Interestingly, you never mention that even these Israelis - as do Palestinians - have a stronger claim than my neighbors who've settled on aboriginal lands in British Columbia. [Norman Spector is Canada's former ambassador to Israel.]

2003-01-10 00:00:00

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