"War within Weeks"

(Guardian-UK) President George Bush is determined to go to war with Saddam Hussein in the next few weeks, without UN backing if necessary, according to authoritative sources in Washington and London. The U.S. president is "to turn up the heat" in his state of the union address on Tuesday. "The pressure comes from President Bush and it is felt all the way down," a European official said. Downing Street was adamant that the decision to go to war should not be declared before Tony Blair flies to Camp David for talks with Mr. Bush next Friday. An informed source in Washington said: "Blair is a good guy. They won't want to do that to him. They want it to look like he played a part in the policy-making but the decision has been made." White House spokesman Ari Fleischer Thursday brushed off mounting anti-war feeling across Europe, led by France. It was "entirely possible that France won't be on the line," he said, adding that Britain, Australia, Italy, Spain, and "virtually all of the eastern European countries" would provide support. Secretary of State Colin Powell echoed this, saying: "I don't think we will have to worry about going it alone."

2003-01-24 00:00:00

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