(Daily Star, Lebanon) - Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri launched a scathing attack on Hizbullah leader Hasan Nasrallah Thursday, accusing him of endangering Lebanon. "What Lebanon is facing at present approaches the brink of existential danger and threatens Lebanon's message and the values of cultural and religious diversity. This has made me sound the alarm," Hariri said in a written address to the Lebanese people. "Hizbullah has unilaterally decided to breach every tradition, law and rule that govern national life among the Lebanese; it has arrogated to itself, as a party and an armed sectarian group, the rights of states in taking fundamental decisions without any consideration for the sensitivities of the groups it lives amongst." Hariri said Hizbullah had over two decades polarized the Shiite sect, "drowning it in the delusion of power over others in order for it to serve as an armed auxiliary for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard" and spearheaded an Iranian-led policy aimed at a number of countries in the Levant. "To accept Hizbullah's project simply means that there will never be a Lebanese state. And that this state will remain hostage to the party and above it, to the Islamic Republic of Iran, forever and ever," Hariri said.