The Mideast: A Cesspool of Hate

(Toronto Sun) Salim Mansur - When U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl is murdered in Pakistan for being a Jew, and when Neve Shalom, Istanbul's main synagogue, is bombed for being what it is, it represents a rising tide of anti-Semitism among Arab Muslims that can no longer be denied by their demagogic representatives. What is involved here in the spreading slime of anti-Semitism among many Arabs and Muslims is the wreckage of Islam. Following World War II, Jews returned to Palestine after their longest period of exile to found a state for themselves, and successfully defended it against tremendous odds. In the modern post-colonial resurgence - the creation of Israel and the emergence of independent Arab states - the success of the one contrasts with the failures of the others. Anti-Semitic bile became a crutch to explain Arab failure.

2003-12-31 00:00:00

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