EU Lawmaker Seeks to End PA Aid Abuse

(Jerusalem Post) - Francois Zimeray, a French delegate to the EU parliament, began a campaign on Tuesday to obtain the necessary signatures from parliament members to initiate a commission of inquiry into the EU's funding of the PA. He has already obtained 51 of the 157 signatures required to put the matter on the parliament's agenda. "I think Europe bears a huge responsibility for what has happened in Israel over the past two years, because a large portion of European funds have been used for corruption, support of terrorist actions, and educating to hate," Zimeray said. Zimeray, a socialist MP from Rouen in Normandy affiliated with the European Labor Party, said he began his effort in order to help the Palestinians, who he said deserve better than their corrupt leadership, and European taxpayers, who he believes would protest their money going to fund terrorism. "All the suicide bombers had their education financed by European taxpayers, so Europe has a moral and economic responsibility for what has happened," Zimeray said.

2002-09-26 00:00:00

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