An IDF Soldier Faces Anti-Israel Hatred in the U.S.

(Times of Israel) Hen Mazzig - When I served as a soldier in the West Bank, I got used to having ugly things said to me, but nothing prepared me for the misinformation, demonization of Israel, and the gut-wrenching, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hostility expressed by many students, professors, church members, and even high school students in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. At a BDS event in Portland, a professor from a Seattle university told the crowd that the Jews of Israel have no national rights and should be forced out of the country. When I asked, "Where do you want them to go?" she calmly answered, "I don't care. I don't care if they don't have any place else to go. They should not be there." I responded that she was calling for ethnic cleansing. My experiences in America have changed me. I never expected to encounter such hatred and lies. I never believed that such anti-Semitism still existed, especially in the U.S. The writer is the Campus Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest chapter of StandWithUs. For almost five years he worked in the COGAT unit that attends to the needs of Palestinian civilians in the West Bank.

2014-04-25 00:00:00

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