Iran Retains the Option of Renewing Its Military Nuclear Program

(Israel Defense) Rafael Ofek - A year has passed since the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the P5+1, intended to delay the realization of the military elements of Iran's nuclear program. The agreement enables Iran to continue the development and conduct experiments on the advanced centrifuge models it had developed, which possess an enrichment capacity 10 times as high (or even more) as the centrifuges Iran has been operating until now. These experiments include the actual enrichment of uranium. One worrisome aspect involves the close links between Iran and North Korea, reflected in the past mainly through cooperation in the field of ballistic missiles. There is cause for concern that in view of the restrictions the nuclear agreement now imposes on Iran, it might use North Korea as a test bed for subsequent activities associated with the Iranian military nuclear program. Iran continues to develop ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and has recently conducted several launching trials. Iran blatantly ignores UN Security Council Resolution 2231, unanimously adopted on July 20, 2015, which imposes restrictions on Iran for the next 8 years regarding its continued activities in the field of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Rafael Ofek, an expert in the physics and technology of nuclear power, served in the Israeli intelligence community.

2016-10-27 00:00:00

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