(Jerusalem Post) Herb Keinon - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday asked visiting Zambian leader Edgar Lungu to help Israel regain its observer status at the African Union, a position it lost in 2002 and has had trouble regaining, primarily because of the objection of South Africa and the North African Muslim states. The Palestinian Authority enjoys this status and PA President Mahmoud Abbas is able to address the annual summit of the pan-African body each year. Lungu arrived on Monday for a five-day visit with his ministers for foreign affairs, agriculture, trade, energy, tourism, water development and environment, transportation, health, and industry and employment. He told the Zambia Daily Mail, "Israel is a pace-setter in survival instinct, because it has a desert; but they have a thriving education, agriculture, and information and communication technology sectors and we can explore and learn from them. A lot of benefits are expected out of this trip." Lungu is the latest in a long list of African leaders who have visited Israel over the past year.
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