(Washington Free Beacon) Adam Kredo - Anti-Semitic harassment on college campuses aimed at pro-Israel students jumped by 70% from 2017 to 2018, according to a new study by the AMCHA Initiative, that monitors anti-Semitism on more than 400 college campuses. It has recorded 2,500 anti-Semitic incidents across the U.S. since 2015. AMCHA found there had been a major spike in students being targeted with hate speech and violence due to their open support for Israel. "Anti-Semitic acts involving the singling out of Jewish and pro-Israel students and groups for personal vilification more than doubled," including a 147% increase in incidents of the students being linked to "white supremacy." "Attempts to exclude" Jewish and pro-Israel students "from campus activities more than doubled, with expressions calling for the total boycott or exclusion of pro-Israel students from campus life nearly tripling." The findings are a sign that hatred toward Jews and pro-Israel students is primarily coming from activists aligned with the BDS movement, rather than classic anti-Semitic motivators.
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