Anti-Semitism Far Worse than Reported, Say U.S. Jewish Leaders

(Times of Israel) Lazar Berman - Anti-Semitism in the U.S. is even more pervasive than it appears "because the majority of incidents are not reported," Malcolm Hoenlein, vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, told the Times of Israel on Monday. "We get reports all the time of it. I see it not only in my own community but from rabbis who call me and others. And often the police will not classify it as a hate crime because then the FBI has to come in, and the FBI doesn't necessarily want to because it's a lot of paperwork." "Anti-Semitism has really shaken up our community. The sense of insecurity is pretty widespread, even among sectors that felt that they were not vulnerable to what Orthodox Jews were subject to, in terms of attacks on them, because they were visible. Now we've seen it everywhere, people being stopped and asked, 'Are you a Jew?'...We have Jewish members of faculties who are finding themselves and their jobs being put in danger because of being identified as pro-Israel, or not joining the anti-Israel onslaught." Hoenlein also highlighted the May 28 New York Times front page, which featured photographs of children killed in Gaza during the recent fighting. The newspaper does not typically put images of children killed by U.S. forces on its front page. "That one front page shook up the community and shook up everybody more than anything I remember."

2021-06-03 00:00:00

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