How Ben and Jerry's Israel Boycott Has United Many Jews

(Los Angeles Jewish Journal) David Suissa - Some issues simply go too far, and Ben & Jerry's decision to stop selling its ice cream in "Occupied Palestinian Territories" was one of those. Unlike previous companies subjected to boycotts, Ben & Jerry's makes its ice cream inside Israel. It doesn't even operate any ice cream stores over the 1967 lines. But by targeting sales to the West Bank rather than products made there, Ben & Jerry's is setting an alarming precedent. As reported in the Jerusalem Post, the boycott criteria already set by Ben & Jerry's "would make any Israeli or foreign company that helps stock a [West Bank] supermarket with those products susceptible to boycotts." Regardless of where one sits on the political spectrum, Ben & Jerry's has crossed a line that repulses much of the mainstream Jewish community. We've seen this singling out of Israel over and over by groups that ignore genocides and mass murders to go after the world's only Jewish state. When a beloved brand joins the anti-Israel parade so loudly and forcefully, it concentrates the mind about the unfair and discriminatory targeting of Israel.

2021-07-22 00:00:00

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