(Palestinian Media Watch) Itamar Marcus - Palestinian Media Watch has examined the broadcasts on official PA TV and Al-Jazeera prior to and during the funeral of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, which confirm the Israeli version of the events that led to the violence. The videos of Israeli Police hitting some of those who carried the coffin on their shoulders were made to seem as if the police were interfering with the funeral. In fact, it was the exact opposite. It was a Palestinian mob that had hijacked the funeral and Israeli Police who were forced to intervene and have the funeral return to be held as the family planned. The family, who are Christians, wanted the coffin to be taken by hearse from the hospital to the church. However, the Palestinian mob at the hospital stopped the hearse and prevented it from approaching. It was the mob and not Israel that prevented the burial from taking place as planned. Amjad Abu Asbeh, head of the Prisoners' Families Committee in Jerusalem, explained that the insistence on carrying her on their shoulders is so that it wouldn't seem to be a Christian funeral with a "church car" as had been planned. Israeli Police were forced to stop this and return the body to the hospital. Shortly after, the hearse returned under Israeli protection and the coffin was taken to the church.
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