Iran's Tired Regime Is Living on Borrowed Time

(Economist-UK) The most poetic scenes are sometimes the most powerful. A young woman dances in front of a bonfire, then tosses her headscarf into the flames. A lone old lady, her white hair uncovered, shuffles down the street waving her headscarf in tune to the words "Death to Khamenei!" Such acts of defiance mark the most menacing threat to the ayatollahs' dictatorial rule for many years. Anger is certainly more widespread than ever before. The unrest has drawn in young and old. The dominant part played by women in the protests is new. Another difference is that the demands are more drastic. Young people, connected to their contemporaries elsewhere on social media, are chafing more furiously than ever under the rule of grey-bearded clerics. There is little the West can do to encourage the rebellion. It will be up to Iranians to get rid of their rotten regime. One day Iranians will cast off not just their veils but also their joyless overlords. It cannot come too soon.

2022-10-13 00:00:00

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