(MEMRI) Palestinian writer Majdi Abd Al-Wahhab wrote on the Saudi website Elaph on Jan. 9, 2024: "Anyone who sees the destruction in Gaza, in terms of human lives, buildings, and on the economic, financial and psychological levels, cannot but pray to Allah and ask him to curse all those who caused this destruction. How can we not curse the people who caused this, given this complete devastation? How can we not curse Hamas and its leaders after they have destroyed every element of dignified existence in Gaza?" "Wouldn't it have been better for Hamas to invest the human and financial capital - which it squandered on building up its military abilities and digging tunnels - in developing Gaza?...It has already been proven that [Hamas'] military abilities can cause Israel no more than very superficial harm, and certainly cannot defeat it, and the evidence for that is clearly in front of us....This devastation does not bode well, contrary to the assumptions of those who delude themselves that [they are] winning." "Congratulations to the leaders of Hamas for what they have done in Gaza....The devastation will be followed by [people] fleeing, migrating and living in misery and suffering....Many are now thinking of migrating, after Hamas has caused them to lose everything that was meaningful in their lives, providing they can find a way to migrate and leave Gaza...for the propagandists of fake patriotism and nationalism will prevent them."