10,000 Foreign Construction Workers to Arrive in Israel by June

(Jerusalem Post) Yosi Dayan - Israel's Ministry of Housing has begun a plan to bring 40,000 more foreign workers to Israel for the construction industry. By the end of June, 10,000 foreign workers will arrive from India who will replace the foreign workers from China and Moldova, who left after the war. So far, 1,200 workers from India have arrived and another 1,200 more are now being processed. Also by the end of June, "the process of absorbing about 10,000 foreign workers from other countries such as Georgia, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, and more will begin," said Eldad Nitzan, Chairman of Foreign Workers' Manpower in the Construction Industry at the Chamber of Commerce. The goal is to ultimately bring 65,000 foreign workers to Israel to replace Palestinian workers.

2024-03-18 00:00:00

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