The Case Against Israel Has Just Collapsed

(Telegraph-UK) Jake Wallis Simons - Earlier this month, the UN halved its assessment of the numbers of women and children killed in Gaza. For months, the UN has trusted figures produced by the same savages who butchered Israeli women and children on Oct. 7. Two decades after our invasion of Iraq, death tolls remain intensely disputed, ranging enormously from 100,000 to 600,000. Yet we're expected to believe that Hamas has the professionalism to provide statistics within hours, reliable to the single digit. Statisticians have debunked the data. Yet the narrative remains unchanged, even by President Biden. Clearly, the sheer volume of the footage of suffering civilians - all projected by Hamas, which censors pictures of dead or wounded combatants - has caused us to lose our minds. When we fought in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, nobody debated civilian casualties. Yet when it comes to Israel, it's all anybody talks about. We are being played. This is why Gazan civilians are barred from the safety of the tunnels, even though the whole population would fit inside them. Hamas' leaders have been doing their best to get their people killed on camera, then fabricated the figures. They have been doing so to brainwash the international media, political leaders, celebrities and the protesters on our streets, to believe the lie of Israeli "genocide." Even a single innocent death is appalling. But the tragedy of the individual civilian in a warzone - no matter how heartrending - is not what sways the argument. It is the principle of a just war, which always involves civilian casualties. Israel did not choose this conflict any more than Britain chose to fight Nazi Germany. Democracies are sometimes faced with an ugly enemy and the only way to respond is with force. Churchill knew this. So does Israel. The Jewish state is estimated to be killing proportionately fewer civilians than any other democracy in the history of warfare. To argue otherwise is simply wrong. Now let's talk about destroying jihadism. The writer is editor of the Jewish Chronicle-UK.

2024-05-19 00:00:00

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