Electronic Media as a Weapon of Political War: The Hamas Strategy

(Ynet News) Dr. Joel Fishman - General Vo Nguyen Giap, who led the forces of North Vietnam to victory in the Vietnam War, said: "In 1968 I realized that I could not defeat 500,000 American troops who were deployed in Vietnam...but I could bring pictures home to the Americans which would cause them to want to stop the war." Fed by television news from Vietnam, the war became a major domestic issue which destabilized the American government. In the 2024 Gaza war, it is easy to recognize how the enemies of Israel and the U.S. are using the same strategy. In fact, with internet and social media, it has become more sophisticated. The writer, a fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, is a historian and former editor of the Jewish Political Studies Review.

2024-05-26 00:00:00

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