Northern Israel Is on Fire

(Free Press) Matti Friedman - Along the entire length of the Israeli-Lebanon border, 70,000 civilians have been evacuated under fire from Hizbullah in Lebanon. Legendary frontier kibbutzim where pioneers set Israel's border eight decades ago, like Hanita and Manara, have been empty for eight months. The town of Kiryat Shmona is deserted. Metula, a community established by Jews in 1896, is a battered ghost town. Fires ignited by Hizbullah rockets rage in forests and fields across the north. Hizbullah has successfully moved Israel's northern border a few miles south. Israel's military has been picking off Hizbullah fighters and commanders with air strikes, but no one knows when Israelis who live in the north will be able to return home.

2024-06-09 00:00:00

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