Israelis Remember Oct. 7

(Washington Post) Max Boot - Numerous analysts have noted how traumatized Israelis remain by the horrific Hamas attack of Oct. 7. All over Israel, there are incessant remainders of the roughly 80 hostages who are believed to still be alive in Gaza. Many people wear a yellow ribbon and everywhere you see "Bring Them Home" signs. In such a small country, it seems everyone has a connection to this tragedy. Israel has undertaken the most extensive mobilization of reserves in its history. One student at Hebrew University - a reservist in the tank corps - told us about how he had to study for his university courses in the middle of the night, while sitting inside his tank near the Lebanese border. Now Israel is facing the prospect of a major war against Hizbullah, an Iranian-backed militia in Lebanon, whose military capabilities dwarf those of Hamas. Despite Israel's travails, few international observers extend much sympathy to the Jewish state. The world's focus is almost entirely on the undoubted suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, with Hamas getting a pass for hiding behind civilians in violation of the laws of war. As one former Israeli government official said, "If you defend yourself, you'll be a pariah, and if you don't defend yourself, you'll disappear."

2024-06-27 00:00:00

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