Hamas's Guerrilla Tactics Have Proven Disastrous for Palestinians

(New York Times) Patrick Kingsley - Hamas's Qassam Brigades hide under residential neighborhoods, storing their weapons in tunnels - and in houses, mosques, sofas, even a child's bedroom. They emerge from hiding in plainclothes, sometimes wearing sandals or tracksuits, before firing on Israeli troops, attaching mines to their vehicles, or firing rockets from launchers in civilian areas. They rig abandoned homes with explosives and tripwires, seeking to lure Israeli soldiers to enter the booby-trapped buildings. Hamas's decision to keep fighting has proven disastrous for the Palestinians of Gaza, as some 80% of its residents have been displaced. Israel says it has killed more than 14,000 Hamas fighters, while fewer than 350 Israeli soldiers have died in Gaza since the start of the IDF operation in late October. Israeli officials say that Hamas's tactics explain why Israel has been forced to strike so much civilian infrastructure.

2024-07-14 00:00:00

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