Israel: Egypt Building Bases in Sinai for Offensive Operations

(Times of Israel) Jacob Magid - "Egypt is in very serious violation of our peace agreement in the Sinai. This is an issue that is going to come to the fore because it's not tolerable," Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Yechiel Leiter told a Zoom briefing with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations on Jan. 28. "We have bases being built that can only be used for offensive operations, for offensive weapons, that's a clear violation. For a long time, it's been shunted aside, and this continues. This is going to be an issue that we're going to put on the table very soon and very emphatically." Video footage from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula in recent weeks shows a massive build-up of troops and tanks. Leiter also said, "We have to start talking about Qatar. The game that they're playing - buying everybody out and then buying quiet and buying toleration for their support of terror - is just not tenable. We have to call their bluff and say...'You're also supporting terror organizations.'...The first thing is to speak truth to their financial power....It was difficult [to criticize Qatar until now] because Qatar played a role in the release of the hostages....We had to - in very undiplomatic language - suck it up. Nevertheless, we're going to start talking about the truth behind the role Qatar and Turkey are playing." Leiter said Turkey has become "verbally belligerent" toward Israel and has allowed "Hamas leaders and other Muslim Brotherhood contingents to operate from Turkish territory." He also accused Ankara of funding organizations that have sought to exacerbate tensions on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.

2025-02-16 00:00:00

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