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Improving the Potential for a Diplomatic Resolution to the Iran Nuclear Challenge2021-December-23
There Must Be No Containment of Iran2021-December-20
Expansionist Iran Might Launch a New Pearl Harbor in the Middle East 2021-December-16
Iran's Missile Arsenal Growing in Size, Reach, and Accuracy2021-December-16
Iran Top Priority for U.S., Israel2021-December-13
In Militants' Hands, Drones Emerge as a Deadly New Wild Card in the Middle East 2021-December-09
Jerusalem Consulate for Palestinians Is a Fight Biden Doesn't Need 2021-November-15
Africa: The Next Target on Iran's List2021-November-11
Why Is the U.S. Trying to Open a Consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinians?2021-November-11
As America Retrenches, Israel Becomes an Increasingly Valued Partner2021-November-11
Tension in the Fatah Camp: Russia Received Mahmoud Abbas' Greatest Foe, Mohammed Dahlan2021-November-08
A Blurred Line between Civil Society and Terrorism: Examining Charges of NGOs Funding the PFLP2021-November-08
Palestinian Poll: Majority Oppose Two-State Solution, Negotiations with Israel2021-November-01
The Threat of War Is the Only Way to Achieve Peace with Iran2021-November-01
The Ideological Obsession behind Washington's Palestinian Policy2021-October-28
Is the U.S. Intent on Sparking a Crisis with Israel over Jerusalem? 2021-October-28
Washington Needs to Turn Up the Pressure on Tehran 2021-October-28
The American Consulate in Jerusalem - the Bottom Line 2021-October-21
A New Jerusalem Consulate for the Palestinians Will Again Proclaim: Jerusalem Is Not in Israel2021-October-18
Why an Israeli Military Option Against Iran Is Back on the Table 2021-October-07
The Aftermath of the Iron Dome Vote 2021-October-04
A Pro-Israel Summit in Erbil Breaks New Ground2021-October-04
Is It Time to Say, "Who Cares"?2021-September-30
Poll: 62 Percent of Palestinians Oppose a Two-State Solution2021-September-23
America Is Sending the Wrong Signals to Iran2021-September-20
When Israeli and Egyptian Leaders Meet2021-September-15
U.S. Credibility Will Weather Afghanistan2021-August-30
How Afghanistan Influences Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Iran's Approach to Israel 2021-August-26
The American Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Lessons and Ramifications for Israel2021-August-26
A New Israeli Prime Minister Visits the White House 2021-August-26
Setting the Agenda for the Bennett-Biden Meeting 2021-August-23
How Iran's Deadly Tanker Attack Is Linked to the Nuclear Deal 2021-August-12
Iran Is Testing All Boundaries 2021-August-12
Iran Nukes the Case for a Biden Deal 2021-August-12
Is Russia Recalibrating Its Coordination with Israel in Syria?2021-August-05
How the U.S. Could Empower Its Ally, Israel, to Deter Iran2021-July-26
Should U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Palestinian Corruption, Terror and Intransigence?2021-July-08
U.S. Shifts Bases from Qatar to Jordan 2021-July-05
Ilhan Omar Has a Problem with Jews 2021-July-05
Iran as a Challenge to Jerusalem and Washington 2021-July-01
The Iran Nuclear Deal Isn't the Problem, Iran Is 2021-July-01
The Iran Deal May Still Be Dead2021-July-01
Prime Minister Bennett Should Nail Down Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights with President Biden2021-July-01
U.S. Conducts Airstrikes in Syria and Iraq Against Iranian-Backed Militias2021-June-28
U.S. Says Not Changing Recognition of Israeli Sovereignty over Golan Heights 2021-June-28
U.S. Pushing PA to Reform Its Payments to Terrorists Policy2021-June-24
Prospects of a Long-Term Armistice with Hamas2021-June-24
New Palestinian Poll Finds Support for Armed Conflict with Israel, Opposition to Talks under U.S. Leadership2021-June-17
The Arab World Is Telling the U.S.: "Don't Embolden Iran" 2021-June-10
America Is Misreading the Situation in the West Bank and Gaza2021-June-03

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