[AFP] Libya protested in vain Wednesday before the UN Security Council over Israel's interception of a Libyan ship attempting to reach Gaza. The Libyan complaint failed to elicit a formal condemnation of Israel. Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gabriela Shalev said that since Libya does not recognize Israel, the interception was justified on grounds of national security. "No member state of this Council, nor any other member of the UN, would allow a shipment originating from a hostile state towards a territory that serves as a launching pad for terrorist attacks against its civilians," Shalev said. U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative Alejandro Wolff also rejected Libya's arguments and deemed it "absurd to assert Israel committed an act of piracy" since not a single shot was fired nor was the Libyan ship boarded. He said Libya's attempt to access a closed sea port instead of following the usual channels for international aid was "dangerous and irresponsible."