Palestinian Rocket Hits Ashkelon Despite Cease-Fire

[Ynet News] Shmulik Hadad - A long-range Grad rocket fired by Palestinians in Gaza landed in the Israeli city of Ashkelon on Tuesday. The rocket landed in a residential neighborhood as residents were making their way to school and to work. Three people suffered shock, several cars were damaged and windowpanes were shattered. Rafi Zvi, a bus driver, said, "The siren sounded as I left the station and began driving. I screamed to the passengers to get out immediately. There are sometimes those who are very confident and just stay there, but this time I had a bad feeling and I virtually pushed the passengers out....As we escaped we saw the missile above our heads and heard a loud explosion. The back part of the bus, where quite a few passengers had been sitting, was shattered. We were really lucky, it was simply a miracle." On Monday a Kassam rocket was fired at the Sderot area and several mortar shells were also fired from Gaza.

2009-02-03 06:00:00

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