Hamas to House Homeless Along Gaza Border

[Maariv-Hebrew/Jerusalem Post] Amir Buhbut - Israel's security services are concerned over Hamas' new strategy to erect trailers for those made homeless in the Gaza war just a few hundred meters from the security fence. The new trailers are to serve as cover for tunnels to be dug under the border with Israel to serve as hiding places for terrorists and explosives. Hamas Minister of Public Works Yosef Almansi told the Gaza newspaper Falastin that he was giving priority to housing near the security fence in order to make it more difficult for the IDF to act in the area in the future. A senior Israeli defense official said: "The Hamas government has announced its intention to use the population in Gaza living along the border as a human shield against IDF operations. Hamas plans to use the homes as cover for the construction of attack tunnels." Another security official said: "Construction of this type is designed to serve as a greenhouse for hostile attacks."

2009-10-05 06:00:00

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