Israel: Palestinian Corruption Causing Shortages in Gaza; New Palestinian PM "Has Jewish Blood on His Hands"

(Jerusalem Post) Yaakov Katz - Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz explained the situation at border crossings between Gaza and Israel in an interview: "After we opened Karni [on Monday] someone started running to attack it, and the IDF commander there immediately closed it down. So every day now we are reassessing the security situation there." "We decided to open the Kerem Shalom crossing and told the Palestinians, 'Whatever you want to send through Karni, send through Kerem Shalom.' But there are people there who have an interest in not opening Kerem Shalom, since they get a cut of whatever goes through Karni. This is part of the Palestinian corruption." "The Hamas are terrorists. [Incoming Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail] Haniyeh was the bureau chief of [Sheikh Ahmed] Yassin and he has Jewish blood on his hands. Mahmoud Azhar [slated to be the PA foreign minister] is a terrorist in every way."

2006-03-24 00:00:00

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