Lock and Load Your Portfolio

[Townhall.com] Cliff May - A campaign to cut off investments in terror-sponsoring countries is gaining momentum. The Center for Security Policy, a Washington think tank, has organized a "Divest Terrorism Initiative" - www.DivestTerror.org - a campaign to persuade pension funds, college endowments, 401(k) plans, retirement account managers and individual investors to make sure their money is not used to support regimes that underwrite terrorism. About 100 public pension systems in the U.S. currently have an estimated $200 billion invested in publicly traded companies - American and foreign - that conduct commerce with terrorist masters. Drying up this cash flow is more than a way to make a statement. It's a way to pressure regimes to change their behavior, and perhaps even to push them toward collapse. Without foreign investment, the government of Sudan, responsible for the genocide of black Muslims in Darfur, can't get its oil out of the ground. Iran's oil is flowing, but output will decline steeply over the next few years if foreign investment in technology and equipment can be turned off.

2007-05-10 01:00:00

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