(Weekly Standard) Mark Dubowitz - President Obama is in Ireland praising the Good Friday Peace Agreement that ended decades of strife in Northern Ireland, where former adversaries were able to "reimagine their relationships," in a hint to the Israelis and Palestinians that if Ireland's feuding Catholics and Protestants can make peace, so can they. But the Irish Republican Army is not Hamas. It never sought the destruction of Britain nor the mass murder of Protestants. In many cases, it gave authorities prior warnings that an attack would occur. Hamas, in contrast, seeks to murder as many Israelis and Jews as possible, and its signature suicide attacks are designed with this goal in mind (including bombs filled with nails laced in rat poison to inflict maximum injury). Peace cannot be fashioned with Hamas. To believe otherwise is to assume that political pressure can overcome a dedication to Jihad. The writer is executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.