Hamas to Keep Guns, Separate Force After Disengagement

(Ha'aretz) Eli Ashkenazi - The head of Hamas's Kassam Brigades, Ahmed Al-Ghandour, told reporters in northern Gaza Friday, "Arms is a holy issue. It is impossible for us to abandon our arms even if we all get killed. The issue of arms is not one for discussion." Al-Ghandour, who tops Israel's list of wanted militant suspects, added, "We will preserve our structure and increase our force and we will not join any (Palestinian security) services." Another Hamas leader, Abu Ubaida, said: "We will maintain and preserve the arms of resistance and we will increase our force and arms to liberate all of the Palestinian land. Palestine is not only Gaza." About 1,000 Hamas militants staged an exercise on Friday, simulating the storming of Jewish settlements and attacks on Israeli troops.

2005-08-12 00:00:00

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