The Jordan's Two Banks Draw Closer

(Ha'aretz) Danny Rubinstein - Sixteen of the people killed by the terror attacks in the Amman hotels last week were foreigners. The rest were mostly Jordanian citizens, more than half of them of Palestinian origin. The cartoonist of the daily newspaper Al-Quds drew the Palestinian and Jordanian flag at half-mast. East of the Jordan lives a population that is, for the most part, of Palestinian origin. A few weeks ago Abdul Salam al-Majali, Jordan's former prime minister and one of its leading statesmen, announced a new plan to establish a Jordanian-Palestinian confederation with joint and separate government institutions for the two banks of the Jordan. As the separation fence between Israel and the West Bank is being completed, the Palestinians are forced to turn to Jordan. A similar process is taking place in the Gaza Strip, whose border with Israel is blocked, and where the only alternative is opening the one with Egypt.

2005-11-14 00:00:00

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