Arafat's Pilfered Profits

( Rachel Ehrenfeld - Arafat is determined to maintain control over the situation because he holds the keys to the vault. Jawad Ghussein, who was secretary-general of the Palestinian National Fund until 1996, said this week in London, "the billions Arafat has stolen over the years from the Palestinian people facilitated the corruption of the Palestinian leadership, and is the source of his power over them." Arafat "took aid money and contributions that were earmarked for the Palestinian people, to his own account." For twelve years, Ghussein deposited $7.5 to $8 million each month into Arafat's personal bank account. In 1996, Arafat's wife Suha arrived in Buenos Aires with $30 million in cash that she invested in a business with other Palestinians. As of August 2002, Arafat's personal holdings were reported to total $1.3 billion, including $500 million of the PLO's money.

2004-07-23 00:00:00

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