Palestinian Groups Are Found Liable at Manhattan Terror Trial

(New York Times) Benjamin Weiser - The Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization were found liable on Monday by a jury in Manhattan for their role in knowingly supporting six terrorist attacks in Israel between 2002 and 2004 in which Americans were killed and injured. The damages are to be $655.5 million, under a special terrorism law that provides for tripling the $218.5 million awarded by the jury in Federal District Court. The decision could serve to strengthen Israel's claim that the supposedly more moderate Palestinian forces were directly linked to terrorism. Citing testimony, payroll records and other documents, the plaintiffs showed that many of those involved in the planning and carrying out of the attacks had been employees of the Palestinian Authority, and that the authority had paid salaries to terrorists imprisoned in Israel and had made martyr payments to the families of suicide bombers.

2015-02-24 00:00:00

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