Ross, Dershowitz: American Policy Leaving a Dangerous Vacuum in the Middle East

(Ha'aretz) Debra Nussbaum Cohen - Current American policy is leaving a dangerous vacuum in the Middle East, former U.S. Middle East peace negotiator Dennis Ross and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said Sunday. The current violence in Israel is "qualitatively different" from the second intifada, said Ross. "Even now the rest of the Arab world is not focused on this. Palestinians feel the Arabs don't care about them. They're very disaffected with their own leadership" and "they are incited by a false narrative" in which Palestinian leaders are "spreading something that they know is not true." A reason that current violence has not exploded into a greater conflagration involving Palestinian security forces is that "the consequences of the second intifada still weigh on Palestinians in the West Bank," Ross said. Dershowitz said "the greatest fear Palestinians have is of an Arab Spring," which would likely see more radical leadership move in.

2015-10-20 00:00:00

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