Israel Gears Up for Clashes along Gaza Border

(Ha'aretz) Amos Harel - Beginning on Friday, mass protests backed by Hamas are planned for the Gaza-Israel border, where Palestinians are planning on establishing big tent camps some 700 meters from the fence. The intention is for thousands of Palestinians to remain near the fence until mid-May. Israel is preparing for large-scale protests that could turn violent, with attempts to cross the border fence and to perpetrate terror attacks. Israel's military has proved it can deal with marches and demonstrations well when it has time to prepare, and it will send troop reinforcements to the border. They will include snipers, Border Police units, and police with riot control training and equipment. The rules of engagement are: Anyone who tries to cross the border will be subject to the "suspect arrest protocol" (firing in the air and then at the legs), and anyone who tried to injure soldiers will be hit. On Thursday, Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot ordered commanders to try as much as possible to avoid civilian deaths, but the mission they were given is to prevent a mass crossing of the border fence.

2018-03-26 00:00:00

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