(Israel Hayom) Prof. Eyal Zisser - Mapping the routes of the coronavirus infection tells us a story with diplomatic and security implications. According to a report by Israel's Corona National Information and Knowledge Center, based on epidemiological questioning of confirmed carriers, an infection outbreak in Jaffa a month ago led to the spread of the virus to Bedouin population centers in the Negev. From there, the virus spread to the Mount Hebron region in the West Bank and then to Hebron, Ramallah and Nablus. From there, it spread to Israeli Arab towns in the Wadi Ara region. In half the cases investigated in Wadi Ara, the source was the Bedouin villages in the Negev. The infection routes illuminate a network of connections that should also be troubling from a security viewpoint. These corona routes inform us that the pre-1967 Green Line has essentially been erased as Arab Israelis and Palestinians are voting with their feet in favor of one open space for familial and commercial relations. The writer is a lecturer in the Middle East History Department at Tel Aviv University.