Prime Minister Bennett: Israel Consulting Allies on Iran, but We Will Protect Ourselves

(Jerusalem Post) Lahav Harkov - Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Thursday that Israel "will continue to consult with our allies" on countering Tehran's nuclear program, "to convince, to talk, to share information and understandings, through deep mutual respect. But, in the end, we will retain responsibility for our fate in our own hands, and not in anyone else's hands. We will behave responsibly and seriously to protect the great legacy of which we are custodians." "The other side's level of sophistication and determination has advanced, but our enemies know - not from declarations, but from actions - that we are many times more determined, many times more sophisticated, and do not hesitate to act when necessary," Bennett said. Bennett has responded to the likely scenario of an American return to the Iran nuclear deal by trying to cooperate with the Americans to reduce the possible damage to Israel's security.

2021-06-28 00:00:00

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