A U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinians Extends the Conflict

(Jerusalem Post) Yaakov Katz - The American intention to open a consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinians will likely bring down the current Israeli government. A senior minister said, "This will bring down the government, and we have explained that to the Americans." Prime Minister Bennett told President Biden in August that in the wake of such a U.S. move, other countries would follow suit and also open a consulate in Jerusalem to serve the Palestinians. Yet the bigger problem is that it will undermine a historical truth: Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people since King David moved there. Moreover, the opening of a consulate will offer a false narrative that will make the Palestinians even more intransigent in future peace talks with Israel. The Biden administration might think that it is "deepening ties with the Palestinians," but what it will really do is give them a false hope that one day they will receive Jerusalem. This will undermine advancing the chance for peace and will only push it farther away. Peace talks have failed because the Palestinians always say no. This will not change by providing the Palestinians with dreams that one day Jerusalem will again be divided. Opening a consulate only deepens the conflict, ensuring that it will continue longer than it has to. The U.S. administration should show the Palestinians that there are some facts that are accepted. One is that Jerusalem is Israel's capital. Want to open a consulate? Do it in Ramallah or Abu Dis.

2021-10-18 00:00:00

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