The Palestinian Authority's "Pay-for-Slay" Program Must End

(Wall Street Journal) Stuart Force - Congress enacted the Taylor Force Act in 2018, mandating that the U.S. withhold financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority until it ends its payments for terrorist attacks. The law was named after our son, Taylor, who was stabbed to death on March 8, 2016, on the boardwalk in Jaffa, Israel, by a Palestinian. To watch President Biden and his administration violate the law and resume payments of millions of taxpayer dollars to terrorists is devastating to our family. It is also a slap in the face to the many who supported the Taylor Force Act. Payments to PA-controlled nongovernmental organizations or to the anti-Israel UN refugee agency UNRWA results in money being diverted to fund terrorism. "Pay for slay" must end, the flow of U.S. dollars must stop, and any discussion of the Palestinian Authority's role in Gaza after the war against Hamas must cease as well.

2024-01-10 00:00:00

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