The Palestinians' Global Empire

(Tablet) Lee Smith - Why should the Palestinians bother with arduous negotiations leading to compromise over establishing a Palestinian state when they already have something far greater and much rarer? Empire. The ongoing marches around the world to "flood" Western cities, college campuses, and government offices, and halt traffic on major thoroughfares in support of Hamas, are evidence that the Palestinians have managed to create something much loftier. Oct. 7 represents the high-water mark of their long campaign against the Jews. With the intifada globalized, millions of supporters are cheering their champions, who kidnapped, raped, executed, and beheaded children. The protesters' goal is hardly a two-state solution. Rather, the ceasefire they're calling for is a tactic to strangle Israel's war effort. The crushing military defeat suffered by the Palestinians will hardly matter, as long as the U.S., alongside Europe and the Gulf Arab states, stand ready to rebuild and revitalize the Palestinians, a society that celebrates death as its highest value. The source of their steadfastness - their ability to replenish their arsenal and other military infrastructure - is, in fact, a luxury repeatedly afforded them by the U.S. and its European partners. The Palestinians have immolated themselves and their children many dozens of times in their efforts to burn down Israel. Their culture is so devoted to death that its highest purpose is to extinguish itself in the service of killing others. Under the rules set by great powers to govern the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, anything is possible. Losing is winning. Crime is justice. Rape is love. Death is life.

2024-04-30 00:00:00

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