Congress Leads on Iran Sanctions

(Wall Street Journal) Andrew Ghalili - The package of national-security bills recently signed into law contained important provisions expanding sanctions against Iran. The most significant Iran-related provisions are the Mahsa Amini Human Rights and Security Accountability Act, the Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum Act, the Holding Iranian Leaders Accountable Act, and the Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act. The first two target high-level officials in the Islamic Republic. The other two support the U.S. position on Iran's largest source of foreign income - its petroleum industry. The Islamic Republic has been war-mongering for decades, and its threats and actions have ramped up amid America's accommodating policy. As the West has failed to deter Tehran from advancing its nuclear program, Iran's bad behavior has become more flagrant. Fortunately Congress has decided to reclaim its role in keeping the U.S. safe. The writer is a senior policy analyst at the National Union for Democracy in Iran.

2024-04-30 00:00:00

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