Ireland's "Progressive" Elite Has Fallen for a Lie

(Sunday Telegraph-UK) Jake Wallis Simons - Ireland has taken its Israelophobic fetish to a new level. On Wednesday - seven months after the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust - it joined Norway and Spain in unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian state. While the prime minister, Simon Harris, insisted that "Hamas is not the Palestinian people," the terror group enjoys majority Palestinian support. In truth, without a credible plan for Israeli security, the two-state solution is currently simply a staging-post for the final solution. Given the absence of a single meaningful democracy in the Arab world, the chances of a democratic State of Palestine are not good. If a future Palestinian state turned into an Iranian-sponsored terroristan - a second Gaza - would Ireland's leader accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing and genocide (until the Jews succumbed to ethnic cleansing and genocide themselves)? In the 1940s, during the movement for Israeli independence, Ireland supported the Jewish insurgency in Palestine, viewing it as a struggle for indigenous self-determination against imperial Britain. In the late sixties, however, the rise of radical academics forcibly reinvented the identity of the Jews of Israel, replacing a persecuted, non-Caucasian people rooted in the Middle East with a fantasy of Aryan imperialist invaders. Such obvious bunkum is credible only in a world of Israelophobia. The writer is editor of the Jewish Chronicle-UK.

2024-05-28 00:00:00

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