Palestinians' Strategic Choices Have Led to the Devastation of Their Way of Life

(Ynet News) Dr. Michael Milshtein - The Palestinian inclination toward victimhood, complete dependency on the international community, and evasion of responsibility and self-criticism have replaced a coherent and actionable national strategy. Palestinians describe a tragic historical cycle imposed upon them, yet they avoid acknowledging that this cycle results from strategic choices made by both the public and their leaders. Palestinians avoid introspection and adopt passivity and fatalism in the face of disasters resulting from national decisions. While there exists a Palestinian national identity, a significant question lingers regarding the existence of a Palestinian civil society. Palestinian public opinion polls support the Oct. 7 attack, back Hamas, and glorify violent attacks, often cloaking them in heroic terms of "resistance" and "steadfastness." Within the Palestinian public, only faint questions have arisen regarding who is responsible for the devastation of their way of life that existed until Oct. 7. The writer is Director of the Palestinian Studies Forum at Tel Aviv University's Moshe Dayan Center.

2024-06-02 00:00:00

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