Palestinian "Civilians": Complicit in Hamas Crimes

(Gatestone Institute) Bassam Tawil - The rescue of four Israeli hostages on June 8 has confirmed that Palestinian civilians were, and continue to be, complicit in the crimes carried out by Hamas. If regimes such as Hamas do not want their civilians killed during hostage rescue operations, they should not start unprovoked wars to begin with, then complain when they are hit back. They also should not take hostages, then hide them among the civilian population. The Palestinian families can hold only themselves accountable for the scores of Gazans who died during the rescue operation. Those families were not coerced or threatened into keeping the hostages inside their homes. They were delighted to help Hamas because they support the terrorist group. Three of the hostages were held in the home of Palestinian journalist Abdallah Al-Jamal, who worked for the U.S. non-profit Palestine Chronicle. Al-Jamal had been the source of multiple stories about Israeli attacks on civilians in Gaza. He wrote the stories while he and his family members were holding Jewish hostages in their home. Those who have been crying about the "innocent" and "uninvolved" civilians killed in the war initiated by Hamas should direct their anger towards the Palestinians, not Israel, for aiding and abetting murderers, rapists and kidnappers. Despite the devastation the terrorist group bestowed on its own people in Gaza, there are still many Palestinians there who continue to collaborate with Hamas. Before we break down in tears for Gaza's "innocent" civilians, let us recall that a larger portion of them elected Hamas, supported it, worked for it, sheltered it, and rejoiced over its crimes against Israelis, including the Oct. 7 atrocities.

2024-06-11 00:00:00

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