2/3 of Palestinians Still Think Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack on Israel Was Correct Because It "Revived International Attention" to the Conflict

(PSR-PA) Dr. Khalil Shikaki - 73% of Gazans and 57% of West Bank Palestinians still think Hamas's decision to launch its offensive against Israel on Oct. 7 was correct, according to a poll conducted on May 26-June 1, 2024, by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in the West Bank and Gaza. The total for both areas was 67%. They saw that the attack has "revived international attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that it could lead to increased recognition of Palestinian statehood." 76% said that, based on their personal experience, the fairness of aid distribution to displaced residents was discriminatory, while only 24% said it was fair. 63% blame Israel for the current suffering of Gazans in the war, while 22% blame the U.S., 8% blame Hamas, and 4% blame the PA. 97% think Israel has committed war crimes during the current war, while only 9% think Hamas committed such crimes. Overall, 67% expect Hamas to win the war, including 48% in Gaza and 79% in the West Bank. 25% of Gazans, but only 2% in the West Bank, expect Israel to win. 56% think Hamas will be in control of Gaza after the war, including 46% of Gazans and 62% in the West Bank. 75% of Palestinians said they were satisfied with Hamas's performance in the current war (82% in the West Bank and 64% in Gaza). 65% were satisfied with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar (76% in the West Bank and 50% in Gaza). 94% in the West Bank and 83% in Gaza want Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign. 65% oppose the idea of a two-state solution. 68% believe the chances for establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel in the next five years are slim or nonextant. 63% supported a return to confrontations and armed intifada, up from 55% three months ago.

2024-06-16 00:00:00

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